Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chicken stretching

After a sweaty tough workout, the best thing for a chicken to do is stretch! Into about 6 meals that is :)
Yesterday I plum lucked out at Kroger and found 2 whole chickens for $0.64 a lb! That meant that for the 5.78 lb chicken I cooked today, I paid $3.70. This is under what I would pay for 1 package of boneless chicken breasts. I decided to stretch this yummy little chick to its fullest by following a few steps from Heavenly Homemakers and their advice on stretching a chicken to make 6 meals. We will be shooting for 6 between 2 adults (not 6 like them...we like our protein!). Here is the way I've done this. Lather, rinse, repeat....I mean use as you see fit.

Tuesday-7:00 am-Put the chicken in the crockpot with 1 cup of water and poultry seasoning and turned on low. Arrived home from work smelling the lovely chicken all ready to go. I took the chicken out on a platter and took off ALL the chicken from the bones (we do not discriminate in our house...we like the light and dark meat equally) and put it in a bowl.
Put all the bones, skin, and any additional scraps back into the crockpot with all the stuff that had initially fallen off the chicken before I pulled it out and filled the crockpot to the top with water. Add a few bay leaves, salt, pepper, garlic, and half an onion. Leave on low for 12 hours. Refridgerate during time I'm at work to allow fat to rise so I can scrape it off. Then pour through strainer into another pot to catch the bones/scraps.
Bam! All chicken and broth are ready to go!

Now for the good stuff! The meal plans...links are included for all the recipes :)
Our chicken provided about 3.5 lbs of meat and about 6 quarts of broth.
Tuesday-Chicken alfredo pizzas-1/2 lb meat
Wednesday Dinner-Chicken and Gnocchi soup-3 quarts of broth and no meat (the soup has the bits left from making the stock in it which is more than enough)
Thursday Lunch-Chicken and Gnocchi soup-repeat :)
Thursday Dinner-Chicken fajitas-1.5 lbs of meat since I'll be using some for the chicken salad tomorrow
Friday Lunch-Chicken taco salad-some of the meat from last night's meal
Friday Dinner-Chicken Tortilla Soup-1/2 lb of meat and 3 quarts of stock
Sunday Dinner-Cheesy Chicken, Rice, and Brocolli casserole-1 lb of meat

That uses all 3.5 lbs of meat and 6 quarts of stock in one week. Sure we'll be chickened out, but what better way to use in a variety of recipes throughout the week. All for the low low cost of $.16 per serving of the dish with meat. Sure can't beat the price on that!

This is insanity!

I have become truly insane....with Insanity workout that is. So I'm a skeptic by nature, but everyone I've talked to says this workout is for real. Until last week, I wasn't so sure.
I made it through 1 week of Insanity workouts relatively unharmed until yesterday. I have never had soreness like I have from this workout! I played collegiate soccer, tore every tendon in my ankle, and have ripped, bruised, pulled, or dislocated just about anything you can name. I think this tops it all.

I am going to stick with it though...

I miss myself looking like I did in my size 4 prom dress. I miss having the hottest abs this side of Hollywood. I miss having fun shopping. I miss going for a run and not feeling like I am dying. More than any of that, I hate looking at the pictures of myself now and seeing this happy girl inside an overweight body.

So for now my motivation lies in this picture:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Maybe I should start blogging again...

After a long blogging break, I'm back! This year has been chalk full of stress and self discovery and I've got to admit it has been really difficult to balance everything on my plate. Let me first catch you up.
1. I became the head girls soccer coach in charge of rebuilding an entire program.
2. Education in Indiana has become the focal point of non stop attacks from legislators and media alike so my job has become more stressful than I ever though possible.
3. I have fallen in love with an amazing wonderful man named Steve who makes the above 2 points substantially less stressful and makes me smile more than he'll ever know.

In between all these points, I've still been couponing and trying to keep up the house to the best of my abilities, but alas there is always room for improvement. Here are the ways I plan to improve between now and August 2012! I'll be sharing specific ways in which I do each during the week.
1. Get my grocery budget to $35 or under per week for 2 adults and 2 doggies
2. Improve my personal fitness and lose 30 lbs.
3. Spark my creativity by doing at least 4 DIY projects from my pintrest boards per month
4. Organize my house and purge myself of things I no longer need
5. Take care of myself and my soul in ways that help me keep stress at bay

I'll be posting 5 entries per week, one on each different subject from above. Doesn't that sound good?